Myrah on Spotify!!

Now you can listen to the new album on Spotify also!

The release date is finally here!!!

Yes, today we release our second album "My Deliverance" You can order it from Ginza or CDON. ENJOY!

Another exclusive preview of the album!!

We posted another sample of the new upcoming album on our Myspace. This week you can listen to our song Desolation. But ONLY during this week. So go ahead and enjoy!! ;)


Yes... Our beloved Nat is back in business!! So now we are rehearsing again... with all of our members in place!!

My Deliverance Promo Video!!!

Check it out!

A taste of the new album!!

Take the opportunity to listen to one of the songs from our upcoming album. It will only be avalible to hear for a few days, so don't miss it! You can listen to it -----> HERE!!!! ENJOY!

Myrah on Bandit Rock!

When we got home from tour we found out that they played our song Illusions on national radio (Bandit Rock)! And for that we are glad!

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